Psalm 80
1 Hear, Isr'el's Shepherd! like a flock thou that dost Joseph guide; Shine forth, O thou that dost between the cherubims abide. 2 In Ephraim's, and Benjamin's, and in Manasseh's sight, O come for our salvätion; stir up thy strength and might. 3 Turn us again, O Lord our God, and upon us vouchsafe To make thy countenance to shine, and so we shall be safe. 4 O Lord of hosts, almighty God, how long shall kindled be Thy wrath against the prayèr made by thine own folk to thee? 5 Thou tears of sorrow giv'st to them instead of bread to eat; Yea, tears instead of drink thou giv'st to them in measure great. 6 Thou makest us a strife unto our neighbors round about; Our enemies among themselves at us do laugh and flout. 7 Turn us again, O God of hosts, and upon us vouchsafe To make thy countenance to shine, and so we shall be safe. 8 A vine from Egypt brought thou hast, by thine outstretchèd hand; And thou the heathen out didst cast, to plant it in their land. 9 Before it thou a room didst make, where it might grow and stand; Thou causedst it deep root to take, and it did fill the land. 10 The mountains veiled were with its shade, as with a covering; Like goodly cedars were the boughs which out from it did spring. 11 Upon the one hand to the sea her boughs she did out send; On th' other side unto the flood her branches did extend. 12 Why hast thou then thus broken down, and ta'en her hedge away? So that all passengers do pluck, and make of her a prey. 13 The boar who from the forest comes doth waste it at his pleasure; The wild beast of the field also devours it out of measure. 14 O God of hosts, we thee beseech, return now unto thine; Look down from heav'n in love, behold, and visit this thy vine: 15 This vineyard, which thine own right hand hath planted us among; And that same branch, which for thyself thou hast made to be strong. 16 Burnt up it is with flaming fire, it also is cut down: They utterly are perishèd, when as thy face doth frown. 17 O let thy hand be still upon the Man of thy right hand, The Son of man, whom for thyself thou madest strong to stand. 18 So henceforth we will not go back, nor turn from thee at all: O do thou quicken us, and we upon thy name will call. 19 Turn us again, Lord God of hosts, and upon us vouchsafe To make thy countenance to shine, and so we shall be safe.