Psalm 57
1 Be merciful to me, O God; thy mercy unto me Do thou extend; because my soul doth put her trust in thee: Yea, in the shadow of thy wings my refuge I will place, Until these sad calamities do wholly overpass. 2 My cry I will cause to ascend unto the Lord most high; To God, who doth all things for me perform most perfectly. 3 From heav'n he shall send down, and me from his reproach defend That would devour me: God his truth and mercy forth shall send. 4 My soul among fierce lions is, I firebrands live among, Men's sons, whose teeth are spears and darts, a sharp sword is their tongue. 5 Be thou exalted very high above the heav'ns, O God; Let thou thy glory be advanced o'er all the earth abroad. 6 My soul's bowed down; for they a net have laid, my steps to snare: Into the pit which they have digged for me, they fallen are. 7 My heart is fixed, my heart is fixed, O God; I'll sing and praise. 8 My glory wake; wake psalt'ry, harp; myself I'll early raise. 9 I'll praise thee 'mong the people, Lord; 'mong nations sing will I: 10 For great to heav'n thy mercy is, thy truth is to the sky. 11 O Lord, exalted be thy name above the heav'ns to stand: Do thou thy glory far advance above both sea and land.