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Psalm 137
OLD 137TH (CMD) | Common Meter (8,6,8,6)
1650 Scottish Psalter
Anglo-Genevan Psalter, 1556
1 By Babel's streams we sat and wept, when Zion we thought on. 2 In midst thereof we hanged our harps the willow-trees upon. 3 For there a song requirèd they, who did us captive bring: Our spoilers called for mirth, and said, A song of Zion sing. 4 O how the Lord's song shall we sing within a foreign land? 5 If thee, Jerus'lem, I forget, skill part from my right hand. 6 My tongue to my mouth's roof let cleave, if I do thee forget, Jerusalem, and thee above my chief joy do not set. 7 Remember Edom's children, Lord, who in Jerus'lem's day, Ev'n unto its foundätion, Raze, raze it quite, did say. 8 O daughter thou of Babylon, near to destrüction; Blessed shall he be that thee rewards, as thou to us hast done. 9 Yea, happy surely shall he be thy tender little ones Who shall lay hold upon, and them shall dash against the stones.